This scientific photo-essay series introduces 100 representative geological/geographical outcrops on the Earth, from which we can understand the fundamental structures and evolutionary history of the planet. Studies of geology and geography have brought and bring us not only new concepts for understanding the Earth, but also the unbelievable beauty of nature. We hope all our readers will enjoy and learn a lot by reading this series.
To maintain quality and quantity, each report should contain the following items, besides the 2- to 3-line abstract, five key words, main text and references.
The main text needs to be in English with a summary in Japanese given at the end. The total length of a manuscript is no more than six pages; i.e., four pages in color printing and two pages in black/white. Submitted manuscripts are reviewed by a special task force (reviewing committee) set up for this series before final acceptance. A summary in Japanese will be translated by the editors should foreign contributors require it.
日本の露頭・景観100選シリーズを企画する。本邦に産する学術的に重要な露頭および景観の様子とその意義を紹介することを目的とする。とくに日本列島の地質・地理を理解する上で 不可欠な露頭や景観を選び,後でそれらを地質年代の順番に通覧すると,日本列島の自然史および文明史が読みとれるものにする。各露頭および景観の記述・記載のフォーマットを以下のように統一する。必須の構成要素は以下の通りである。
公益社団法人 東京地学協会編集委員会
〒102-0084 東京都千代田区二番町12-2